Feb 19, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


First-Time Degree-Seeking Students

Regular Admission

  • $35.00 application fee or official PennWest University or agency/affiliation fee waiver code.
  • Official high school transcript showing a cumulative high school grade point average (GPA) =>2.5 on a 4.0 scale. The GPA can be weighted or unweighted, or,
  • Copy of GED diploma and official score report showing a total score of >450, and, holistic review of applicants’ course trends, rigor, leadership, activities and/or community service.
  • PennWest University is test-optional, although some programs may require test results for direct admission.

Conditional Admission

  • Applicants with a high school GPA 2.25 -2.249 or GED total score <450 may be conditionally admitted to the university under the PennWest START program.
  • Holistic review of applicants’ course trends, rigor, leadership, activities and/or community service.
  • Applicants admitted conditionally will be required to meet with PennWest Student Success team to ensure success and retention.

Denied Admission

  • Applicants with a high school GPA <2.25 on a 4.0 scale will be denied admission. Students who are denied admission may appeal to the Director of Admissions at their respective campus location.

Transfer Admission

Students are considered to be a transfer if they have earned 6 or more postsecondary college level credits.

Regular Admission

  • $35.00 application fee or official PennWest University or agency/affiliation fee waiver code.
  • Official college transcript(s) from accredited institution(s) indicating a cumulative (all colleges) transfer GPA >2.0
  • Official, final high school transcript or GED diploma and scores required if applicant has < 12 transferable college credits, and for consideration for admission to Nursing programs. 

Conditional Admission

  • Transfer applicants with a cumulative transfer GPA <2.0 out of a 4.0 scale may be conditionally admitted under one of the following criteria:
  • Student is transferring from another college showing academic improvement in their most recent term, or
  • Student has been out of college for at least 5 years.
  • Applicants admitted conditionally will be required to meet with PennWest Student Success team to ensure success and retention.

Provisional Admission

  • Professional judgment is used to facilitate students’ enrollment when unofficial documents are submitted pending official documents.
  • Students are classified as non-degree and financial aid cannot be processed while in this status.
  • Minimal 12-13 credit limit permitted. 
  • Upon receipt of required official academic credentials, students may receive Regular or Conditional Admission.

Denied Admission

  • Transfer applicants with a cumulative (all colleges) transfer GPA <2.0 will be denied admissions. Students who are denied admission may appeal to the Director of Admissions at their respective campus location.

International Degree Seeking Student

  • $35.00 application fee or official PennWest University or agency/affiliation fee waiver code.
  • Official high school transcript (with accompanying SAT score ≥ 920 or ACT composite score ≥17 IF APPLICABLE - SAT/ACT is OPTIONAL for international applicants) Official iBT TOEFL≥6; or IELTS ≥5.5 or ITEP≥3.5 or Duolingo ≥ 90
  • Signed Financial Guarantee Statement (can be submitted after admission based on student preference)
  • Signed Affidavit of Support (can be submitted after admission based on student preference)
  • A page-by-page translation of official transcripts must be completed for non-English transcripts (barring Spanish language transcripts, which may be submitted as would an English language transcript) For international applicants whose primary method of instruction was not English, TOEFL, IELTS, ITEP or Duolingo test scores that exceed the university or program minimums must be met and submitted. English proficiency requirements may be waived if the primary language of instruction is English with acceptable proof of medium of instruction from the institution accompanying the application, to be reviewed by admission staff on a case-by-case basis, or if the applicant is a citizen of a country that recognizes English as an official language. Upon receipt of an official English transcript not on a 4.0 scale, admissions will calculate to determine equivalency. 
  • A copy of the applicant’s international passport (alternate forms of ID are NOT acceptable). The international passport shall also serve as proof of English proficiency for citizens of countries that recognize English as an official language

International Transfer Applicants

  • $35.00 application fee or official PennWest University or agency/affiliation fee waiver code.
  • Official college transcript(s) indicating a GPA>2.00
  • Official iBT TOEFL≥61; or IELTS ≥5.5 or ITEP≥3.5 or Duolingo ≥ 90
  • Signed Affidavit of Support (can be submitted after admission based on student preference) 
  • A page-by-page translation of official transcripts must be completed for non-English transcripts (barring Spanish language transcripts, which may be submitted as would an English language transcript) For international applicants whose primary method of instruction was not English, TOEFL, IELTS, ITEP or Duolingo, SAT or ACT test scores that exceed the university or program minimums must be met and submitted. English proficiency requirements may be waived if the primary language of instruction is English with acceptable proof of medium of instruction from the institution accompanying the application, to be reviewed by admissions staff on a case-by-case basis, or if the applicant is a citizen of a country that recognizes English as an official language. Upon receipt of an official English transcript not on a 4.0 scale, admissions will calculate to determine equivalency.
  • A copy of the applicant’s international passport (alternate forms of ID are NOT acceptable) The international passport shall also serve as proof of English proficiency for citizens of countries that recognize English as an official language. 

Readmission to PennWest University

  • Students who have not been enrolled PennWest University or any of its campuses in the last 12 months must submit an application for readmission through the Undergraduate Admissions Office.
  • Application fees are not required.
  • If a student was enrolled in another university during their leave (no degree earned), official transcripts must be submitted to the Undergraduate Admissions office.
  • In cases of Academic Dismissal, readmission to the University is not automatic. Students who have been dismissed for unsatisfactory academic performance will be considered for readmission only if they have satisfied the conditions for readmission that were stipulated at the time of their dismissal.
  • Any student who has been academically dismissed will be denied Title IV financial assistance (federal grants, loans, and student employment). Therefore, if readmitted, the student must attend without the benefit of Title IV financial aid until the required minimum grade-point average and/or the completion of the minimum credit hour standard have been achieved. Exceptions may be considered for students on Financial Aid probation or who have filed a Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) appeal (please refer to the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy statement issued by the Office of Financial Aid).
  • In the case of disciplinary suspensions or dismissals, students must satisfy the conditions for readmission that were stipulated at the time of their dismissal and receive permission to return to the University from the Vice President for Student Affairs.
  • Applications for readmission should be submitted as soon as possible, but at least two weeks before the class start date for the term in which the student desires to enroll.
  • Students applying for readmission will not be readmitted to the University until all past indebtedness has been paid and all holds have been satisfied. 
  • The Office of Admissions checks applicants’ academic, financial, and disciplinary holds through the appropriate offices.
  • The Office of Admissions updates SIS with updated applicant details, i.e., majors, address, start term.
  • The Office of Admissions will provide accurate next steps information to the applicant.

Non-Degree Applicant

  • $35.00 application fee or official PennWest University or agency/affiliation fee waiver code.
  • Transcripts may only be required if a GPA is required by a specific academic program.
  • Non-Degree students may take up to 30 credits only.

Visiting Student/PASSHE

  • Applicant must be enrolled in one of the PASSHE institutions with at least 12 college-level credits and be in good academic standing
  • Student must submit an application for NON-DEGREE SEEKING as a VISITING STUDENT. 
  • PASSHE students are not required to pay the $35.00 application fee.
  • Student must complete and submit the State System of Higher Education Application for Visiting Student Status form in addition to the non-degree seeking application. 
  • The Office for Undergraduate Admissions will inform the student of their next steps.
  • The University Registrar will register the student.

Visiting Student/non-PASSHE

  • Applicant must be enrolled with at least 12 college-level credits and be in good academic standing
  • Student must submit an application for NON-DEGREE SEEKING as a VISITING STUDENT.
  • $35.00 application fee or official PennWest University or agency/affiliation fee waiver code.
  • The applicant must submit a signed transient form from their university indicating the following information:
    First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Cell Phone Number, Total College Credits, Home University Name, Courses to be taken at PennWest with home University equivalency. Signed by home college Registrar.
  • The Office for Undergraduate Admissions will inform the student of their next steps. 

Certificate Only Applicants

  • Applicant must complete application for admission
  • Must discuss with Office of Admissions if application fee will be required. 
  • May or may not require transcripts depending on program